We have an answer to (almost) everything. 

  • Is the app for free?

    Yes, the application is for free for the users and is designed to help with orientation in the labour market.

  • Do I have to provide my personal data?

    No, the app is designed in such a way that no personal data is linked to the result, thanks to integrated artificial intelligence.

  • If the BMAS supports it, does they see everything?

    No, the results are only for you. Since you do not enter any personal data, data protection is always guaranteed. The BMAS is rather supporting the project to help everyone find a good start or an optimal career path.

  • Why are there no job offers?

    At this stage, the app only provides an overview of your career opportunities. However, a connection to job exchanges is planned in the next step.

  • I have several results, which one is the best?

    The closer the result is to the centre of the radar, the more it matches your input. The decision is yours. To get even more precise results, you may need to provide further information.

  • I am interested in a profession. What now?

    The links below will help you learn more about the current opportunities in the labour market or the exact requirements. Now you can either search specifically for these jobs or look for a relevant apprenticeship or further training. Your employment office will also be able to help you more easily with this specific information.

  • If I write ‘I have back pain’, I'll never get a helpful result...

    That is precisely the kind of limitation that artificial intelligence solves. It takes such input into account and displays suitable occupations for you based on your knowledge, abilities, desires and/or state of health. For example, if you are a trained tiler and suffer from back problems due to an accident, further training to become a bathroom renovation expert might be a sensible alternative for you.

If you are wondering what the app can do...

How can a simple, albeit AI-driven app, impact the world of work? What can you expect from this application? If you are wondering, then we have put together a few statistical examples for you here. 

If you are wondering what the app can do...

How can a simple, albeit AI-driven app, impact the world of work? What can you expect from this application? If you are wondering, then we have put together a few statistical examples for you here.

Consistent career choice with a fresh start?


said that they would make a different career choice if they had a fresh start, 16% possibly.

Source: IfD Allensbach, surveyed/published 1999, Germany, 2,000 respondents aged 16 and over, Statistica 2025

Would the result with CareerCompass still be the same today?


Why would apprenticeships remain unfilled in 2023?


of employers have not received a suitable application in 2023, 35% have not received any at all. And the numbers have been the same for years.

Source: DIHK, collected/published 2024, Germany, 13,077 companies surveyed, online survey Statistica 2025

Can the CareerCompass change that in the future?


Boomer Criteria 2023 in terms of job satisfaction


of respondents consider work-life balance to be an important criterion for job satisfaction, followed by the working atmosphere.

Source: Statistica 2025, collected/ published in 2023, Germany, around 1,200 respondents aged 50 - 65 (boomers) willing to change jobs

Can the CareerCompass ensure greater job satisfaction?


Increase in the second job rate in 2023


 of all gainfully employed people in Germany (approx. 1.9 million, mainly middle-aged) had at least one additional job alongside their main job.

Source: Labour force survey, Destatis Germany, percentage of the working population (aged 15 and over) who have more than one job

Can the CareerCompass meaningfully change the rate of second jobs?


Consistent career choice with a fresh start?


stated that if they had to start over they would choose a different career, 16% possibly.

Source: IfD Allensbach, collected/published 1999, Germany, 2,000 respondents aged 16 and over
Statistica 2025

Would the result with CareerCompass still be the same today?


Why would apprenticeships remain unfilled in 2023?


of employers have not received a suitable application in 2023, 35% have not received any at all. And the numbers have been the same for years.

Source: DIHK, collected/published 2024, Germany, 13,077 companies surveyed, online survey

Statistica 2025

Can the CareerCompass change that in the future?


Boomer Criteria 2023 in terms of job satisfaction


consider work-life balance to be an important criterion for job satisfaction, followed by the working atmosphere.

Source: Statistica 2025, collected/ published in 2023, Germany, around 1,200 respondents aged 50 - 65 (boomers) willing to change jobs

Can the CareerCompass provide more job satisfaction?


Increase in the second job rate in 2023


of all gainfully employed people in Germany (approx. 1.9 million, mainly middle-aged) had at least one additional job alongside their main job.

Source: Labour Force Survey, DestatisGermany, proportion of employed persons (aged 15 and over) who have more than one job

Can the CareerCompass meaningfully change the rate of second jobs?


Do you still have questions?

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